School and youth gardens not only improve children's' understanding of healthy food choices and their desire for fresh fruits and vegetables, but also contribute to their improved school performance, behavior and academic skills. Moreover, gardens provide opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. For all of these reasons, our network’s mission is to promote and support the establishment of a functioning garden at every school and preschool/childcare site in the state. The network can provide opportunities for training, support, networking and resources for school and youth learning programs. Below are some of the partner organizations.
Garden Resources
You'll find abundant information and resources designed specifically for New Hampshire gardeners. Our tips will help you create a healthy, attractive garden or landscape and keep it looking good throughout the season or year. Contact the Education Center at (1-877-398-4769) 9AM-2PM, Monday-Friday
New Hampshire Extension Master Gardeners train use research-based information to educate the public about home gardening and horticulture, pest management, food safety and backyard livestock. Contact the Master Gardener Coordinator:
USDA Wildlife Services
Provides Federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts to allow people and wildlife to coexist. Get information on local wildlife interacting with your garden.
Slow Food Seacoast
Slow Food builds community through educational events focused on heirloom and indigenous seed saving, farm-to-chef and farm-to-school programs all supporting our local food system.
Curriculum Resources
Educational materials help to integrate agriculture, food and natural resources into K-12 classrooms. By applying authentic agricultural examples to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, math, language arts and nutrition, student awareness can be improved. These programs cultivate an understanding and appreciation of the food, fiber and fuel systems that we all depend upon every day.
Schools participating in NH Farm to School are finding creative ways to bring locally grown food into their cafeterias and classrooms. Activities vary from school to school depending on the specific goals and needs of each site.
UNH Extension Master Gardeners offer a Free Seed Program for school and youth gardens across the state. A list of seeds and an online order form will be available early each year.
A variety of community and school garden resource links are available on our site.